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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 1

Autor:Mehigan, Tim
Naslov:The game of the narrative : Kleist's fiction from a game-theoretical perspective
Matična publikacija:The play within the play : the performance of meta-theatre and self-reflection / edited by Gerhard Fischer [and] Bernhard Greiner; str. 405-419
Impresum:Amsterdam ; New York : Rodopi, 2007
Napomena:Tematski blok: The play within the play as agency of intermedial transformation
Sažetak:In recent times, the theory of games has received application in many areas of economics and some areas of the political and social sciences. It has shown itself to be a useful tool in modeling outcomes that assume a level of rational motivation among actors in a variable context of contigency. The aim of this chapter is to reveal the utility of game theory for a special class of literary works. These will be literary texts, such as the stories of Heinrich von Kleist, which, renouncing the omniscience of the author as a structuring device up front, model outcomes according to an underlying 'game situation'. In these texts rationality does not suffice on its own to ensure an optimal outcome for participants in the non-cooperative games Kleist discusses, rather, a mixed strategy of rational and non-rational bahaviour is called for in navigating towards the 'Nash equilibrium' event in the story, that is, that outcome by which the story's main players achieve maximal pay-offs for their behavioural choices in the game. Heinrich von Kleist can be seen as an early game theorist 'avant la lettre'. His stories are cast against the background of late eighteenth century Enlightenment. At the same time they go beyond the simple predictive rationalism of much of the Enlightenment tradition, arguing for a more sophisticated understand-ing of human behaviour in a context of openness and radical contigency - an awareness that marks Kleist as one of the most important thinkers of the immediate post-Kantian period at the beginning of modernity.
Ključne riječi:teorija igara - tekst u tekstu
Signatura792(08) PLAY
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Upit: UncontrolledTerms_swish=(teorija igara - tekst u tekstu )
